How To Fix Peer Networking Error 1068 on Window 10&11?
How To Fix Peer Networking Error 1068 on Window 10&11?
Click Enter, or OK in order to start it. In the left-hand pane, go to the computer's Configuration Administration Templates, Network and Microsoft Peer-to -Peer Networking Services. In the right-hand pane, double-click Turn Off Microsoft Peer-to-Peer Networking Services.

Peer Networking Error 1068 on Window 10&11 - The netwerkfout 1068 in Windows 10 is gekoppeld aan de Homegroup-functionaliteit. Microsoft heeft de Homegroup-functie in een van zijn updates verwijderd; oudere versies van Windows 10 kunnen u echter onverwacht met deze fout lastigvallen. The most common form of foutmelding can be described as: Windows could not start the Peer Networking grouping service on the Local Computer, which is also a the fout 1068.