If Equalizer APO and Realtek Sound Drivers Problem! How to Fix it?
If Equalizer APO and Realtek Sound Drivers Problem! How to Fix it?
Clicking on Apps in Settings should open the list of installed programs. Wait for the list to complete. Click on Equalizer APO and then click on Uninstall/Repair in either the Control Panel or Settings. Find Equalizer APO-associated access in the computer registry. Click on the Find Home button.

Equalizer APO and Realtek Sound Drivers Problem - Windows has limited options to enhance or mix system sounds and multimedia sounds. However, third-party software can help fill this gap. For example, Equalizer APO gives you full control over the sound of your computer. Equalizer APO may not be working due to problems with your Realtek sound drivers. The reason this happens is that the program appears to be running flawlessly but your sound drivers don't produce sound. This guide will help you fix the problem with Windows.