
Many believe that tokens and cryptocurrencies might be the next frontier in the finance world in this blockchain era, urging us to know more about ICO development services, its features, and benefits.
In this blog, let us witness the importance of Pre-ICO and its contribution to a successful ICO launch.
About Pre-ICO
Pre-ICO launch is the token sale event that Blockchain ventures run before the crowd sale or ICO campaign go-live.
The primary intention of a Pre-ICO is to create consideration and attention. It helps crypto investors buy the tokens at a discounted price before the public sale, as the token price will increase in the initial stages.
Key differences between ICO and Pre-ICO
The significant difference between ICO and Pre-ICO is given below to support the uniqueness of Pre-ICO.
A limited number of tokens are sold during the Pre-ICO, but many are sold during the ICO.
The Pre- ICO platform is available only to investors, whereas in ICO, the public participates.
During Pre-ICO, the technology behind token creation may not be revealed, while in the ICO stage, token information is available as they are ready to be sold.
Reasons to focus on Pre-ICO
If the amount created from the Pre-ICO deal is successful, it can be used for venture development purposes and future advertising for the ICO stage.
If Pre-ICO is effective, they can utilize that cash to expand their group, get more promotions, and get ready for their ICO.
Advantages of Pre-ICO
Quick returns are highly possible as tokens bought at a lesser price during Pre-ICO can be sold at a higher price in exchange later.
There are discounts/bonuses linked with Pre-ICO purchases, making it an attractive option for large investors. The team can get immediate funding, which can be utilized to promote and market the upcoming ICO development services.
What do we offer?
We have seen what significance that Pre-ICO holds. If you want to develop an ICO for yourself, then Blockchain Firm is the right place that you should approach.
Launch your ICOs by engaging with our ICO development services here at Blockchain Firm. As a globally trusted brand, we ensure to deliver highly secure and reliable solutions to maximize fundraising opportunities for your project.